It's been my birthday weekend and we borrowed my parents canal boat.. I LOVED it.... we took loads of warm clothes and blankets to keep cosy.. This is our first mooring just near Hilperton.
Cooking new potatoes to go with salmon and salad - surprising how quickly it cooks!
Loads of time to do some knitting and reading while Tom was on the tiller.. I've been trying to knit a bobble hat for weeks now! I will have to keep it for next winter now!
Breakfast... scrambled eggs and smoked salmon - courtesy of the basket of goodies my brother and sister-in-law on arrival...including champagne and mini eggs ) oh and chocolate fingers!)
Tom concentrating VERY hard, as were approaching busy Bath!
The smell of the woodburners on the other boats as you past, as the sun was setting it was so romantic when your snuggled on the back under the blanket...

I was the Captain for a little bit.. but having 58ft ahead of you, on a somewhat NARROW canal needs a bit of practice..
On the way for Sunday lunch we stopped off for a cheeky swim and shower at Babington House,
Back on the boat for supper - a huge selection of fine cheese and salami..
You know when your coming into Bath as the architecture is stunning, it was constructed in 1724 here on the Kennet and Avon canal, it has had a lot of restoration work over the recent years, a man in the pub was telling us how in the 70's there were tree's growing out of some parts of it and they used it to build railways in the early days.
With my windlass, my job was to open the locks, its the most social part as you get chatting to all the other fellow boaters and here their stories...
Mooring up in Bath was not easy finding a parking space! (you can't really do any 3 point turns!)
Final lock of the day..
and home to have a lazy afternoon
on the sofa with a pot of tea..